
I've tried to use gtcgi some time ago. For testing only, not for real applications. "HelloWorld" .cgi works ok, a large 300 .prg lines cgi script also work ok, but I do not like the idea of writing a large web database application. Every time you click mouse on the client, server should load Harbour's executable, this executable "links" global symbol table and do a lot lot lot more initialization jobs. Then .prg script opens the database tables, positions the record to required position and prints:

   FIELD->PASSWORD == _POST["password"]
  QOUT(FIELD->NAME + " logged in successfully.")
ELSE;  QOUT("You've failed.")

I know computers are fast, but I still do not want to make them do all this huge job, when only 5 lines are required. A solution could be apache module for Harbour. It can not only execute .prg or .hrb code, but also "cache" open workareas, to avoid reopening of .dbf files on each request, just like php caches mysql connections (persistent connections). But apache module and all these extensions are not planed in 1.1 and perhaps not in 1.2.

Let's try to solve problem the opposite way, not port Harbour to apache, but port apache to Harbour. Writing http server in Harbour is not a big problem. Yes, I know people are working on it for years, but "HelloWorld" http server I've wrote in 2 hours (73 lines of .prg code), and "real" server in 2 days (490 lines of .prg code).

I have not implemented any Model-View-Control pattern yet, so, I do not have Ruby on Rails, but I can implement sessions, post method support in a few hours and I'll have something similar to plain php.

Anyone interested can download http://www.dbtopas.lt/hrb/uhttpd.zip
  socket.c - alternative lightweight socket library, I do not like
             hbinet.c a lot. If you want to compile it for Linux,
             you'll need to adjust includes, but code should be
  uhttpd1.prg - HelloWorld http server ("u" stands for micro);
  uhttpd2.prg - fully functional http server, enjoy apache compatible
                server access log :)

Best regards,

P.S. actually, I was trying to make myself familiar with threads and started from tests/mt/mttest07.prg and jobs queue, but the only thread I could imagine was http server thread. BTW, I wanted to make worker threads count dynamic, i.e., create more threads if job queue becomes long. How can I find notification queue length of Harbour's mutex?
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