2008-12-11 19:48 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/include/hbthread.h
  * harbour/source/vm/thread.c
    + added hb_atomic_set(), hb_atomic_get(), hb_atomic_inc() and
      hb_atomic_dec() functions which operates on HB_COUNTER or smaller
      type if it's necessary for some platforms which can be access/assign
      increment/decrement in MT safe atom operations.
      hb_atomic_dec() returns true if counter is 0 after decrementation

  * harbour/include/hbatomic.h
    ! fixed compilation in Linux and OpenWatcom

  * harbour/include/hbapiitm.h
  * harbour/source/rtl/itemseri.c
    + make hb_itemSerialize() and hb_itemDeserialize() public functions
    ! fixed serialization items with internal item references

  * harbour/source/vm/hvm.c
    * release memvars after closing RDDs

  * harbour/source/debug/dbgentry.c
    ! fixed buffer overflow reported by Rodrigo

  * harbour/source/vm/macro.c
  * harbour/source/compiler/hbmain.c
    * formatting

  * harbour/include/hbexprb.c
    ! fixed wrongly recognized functions with HB_I18N_ prefix as

  * harbour/include/hbapi.h
  * harbour/include/hbstack.h
  * harbour/include/hbthread.h
  * harbour/source/vm/estack.c
  * harbour/source/vm/thread.c
  * harbour/source/vm/hvm.c
    + added support for I18N in HVM.
      Each thread can have it's own i18n set.
      When new thread is created then it inherits i18n set from parent
      thread and both uses the same set (please remember about it if you
      will want to make some direct modifications on active i18n set
      When thread change active i18n set then it effects only this thread
      and new threads which will be create later. It does not change i18n
      in other existing threads.
    + added functions to set/get pointer to active i18n set in HVM
         void * hb_vmI18N( void )
         void   hb_vmSetI18N( void * )

  * harbour/include/hbapi.h
  * harbour/source/rtl/hbi18n.c
    + added i18n module. Now only for internal Harbour usage without support
      for optional switching to alternative implementations.
      I'll add such functionality later when I will work on native gettext

      The following public .prg functions has been added:
         HB_I18N_GETTEXT[_STRICT]( <cMsgID> [, <cContext> ] )
               -> <cTranslatedMsgID> | <cMsgID>
         HB_I18N_NGETTEXT[_STRICT]( <nValue>, <cMsgID> | <acMsgID> ;
                                    [, <cContext> ] )
               -> <cTranslatedMsgID> | <cMsgID> | <acMsgID>[ <nIndex> ]
      This is minimal support necessary for .prg code which has to exists
      in each i18n module working with Harbour.

      The following functions had been added as public C API:
         PHB_ITEM hb_i18n_gettext( PHB_ITEM pMsgID, PHB_ITEM pContext )
         PHB_ITEM hb_i18n_ngettext( PHB_ITEM pNum,
                                    PHB_ITEM pMsgID, PHB_ITEM pContext )

      The following functions had been added as private HVM C API:
         void   hb_i18n_init( void )
         void   hb_i18n_exit( void )
         void   hb_i18n_release( void * cargo )
         void * hb_i18n_alloc( void * cargo )
      They have to be supported by alternative i18n modules

      The following functions has been added to manage Harbour i18n
      translations sets:

                  -> <pI18N>
            Creates new empty I18N translation set

         HB_I18N_CODEPAGE( [<pI18N>,] [<cNewCP>], [<lBase>], [<lTranslate>] )
                  -> <cOldCP>
            Gets or sets Harbour codepage used by translation set
            <pI18N> - I18N translation set,
                      if it's not given then currently active I18N set is used
            <cNewCP> - new CP ID. Must be linked with application
            <lBase> - when it's .T. then get/set base massages CP instead of
                      translated massages CP
            <lTranslate> - if it's .T. then translate base (<lBase>==.T.) or
                           final messages in I18N set from previous CP to
                           given one. Base messages translation in synced
                           with context ID translation.

         HB_I18N_PLURALFORM( [<pI18N>,] [<cNewForm>|<bNewForm>], [<lBase>] )
                  -> <cOldForm>|<bOldForm>
            Gets or sets plural form used for final or base messages
            <pI18N> - I18N translation set,
                      if it's not given then currently active I18N set is used
            <cNewForm> - language ID of plural form, f.e.: "EN", "PL", "LT".
                         Now only three above are supported. Please add rules
                         for other languages to source/rtl/hbi18n.c.
            <bNewForm> - codeblock used to calculate plural form indexes.
                         can be used instead of character representation but
                         it's not storred in serialized I18N set
            <lBase> - when it's .T. then get/set base massages plural form
                      instead of translated massages one.

         HB_I18N_DESCRIPTION( [<pI18N>,] [<cNewDescription>] )
                  -> <cOldDescription>
            Gets or sets translation set description. After serialization
            up to 32 bytes is stored in header which can be easy used to
            determinate type of translation file.
            <pI18N> - I18N translation set,
                      if it's not given then currently active I18N set is used
            <cNewDescription> - new description

         HB_I18N_ADDTEXT( <pI18N>, <cMsgID>, <cTrans> | <acTrans> [, <cContext> 
] )
                  -> NIL
            Adds new message with translation to i18n translation set
            <pI18N> - I18N translation set
            <cMsgID> - original message
            <cTrans> - translated message
            <acTrans> - array with translated messages used for plural forms
            <cContext> - message context

         HB_I18N_SET( [ <pI18N> | NIL ] )
                  -> <lActive>
            Sets given I18N translation set as default one used by
            HB_I18N_[N]GETTEXT[_STRICT]() functions or remove translation
            set for calling thread when passed parameter is NIL
            <pI18N> - I18N translation set
            Returns logical value which is .T. when i18n set is active

         HB_I18N_SAVETABLE( [<pI18N>] )
                  -> <cTable>
            Returns I18N translation as string item which can be stored
            in file or database
            <pI18N> - I18N translation set, if it's not given then currently
                      active I18N set is used

         HB_I18N_RESTORETABLE( <cTable> )
                  -> <pI18N> | NIL
            Restores I18N translation set from strin item.
            <cTable> - I18N translation set in string representation
            On success it returns new <pI18N> set otherwise NIL if <cTable>
            is not valid item created by HB_I18N_SAVETABLE() or it's corrupted.

                  -> <nHeaderSize>
            Returns size of header used by i18n serialized version

         HB_I18N_CHEK( <cTable> | <cHeader> [, @<cDescription> ] )
                  -> <lValid>
            <cTable> - i18n translation set serialized by HB_I18N_SAVETABLE
            <cHeader> - header of i18n translation set
                        ( LEFT( <cTable>, HB_I18N_HEADERSIZE() )
            <cDescription> - optional parameter passed by reference where
                             will be sored i18n translation set description
                             extracted from valid header
            Returns logical value indicating if given table or header is
            valid serialized by HB_I18N_SAVETABLE() data. It does not
            decode the table though it validates size and control sums.

      These functions are optional and some future alternative implementations
      may not support all of them and/or may provide some other functions.

    + added unofficial .prg function __I18N_HASHTABLE() which allows to
      access hash table used by i18n translation set or create new translation
      set with given hash table. It's helper functions for developers which
      will work on Harbour i18n tools and should not be used by Harbour users.

      Unlike original gettext Harbour allows to use language with many
      plural forms as base one. In such case programmer should activate
      at application startup default i18n translation set with base plural
      form valid for base application language, f.e. by:
         pI18N := hb_i18n_create()
         hb_i18n_pluralForm( pI18N, <cLangID> | <bForm>, .t. )
         hb_i18n_set( pI18N )
      .prg code example:

         #xtranslate _( <x,...> ) => hb_i18n_gettext_strict( <x> )
         #xtranslate _N( <x,...> ) => hb_i18n_ngettext_strict( <x> )

         proc main()
            local pI18N, i

            pI18N := hb_i18n_create()
            hb_i18n_pluralForm( pI18N, "PL", .t. )
            hb_i18n_set( pI18N )

            for i := 0 to 30
               ? i, _N( i, {"grosz", "grosze", "groszy"} )
               if i > 0 .and. i % 10 == 0

      In .pot files created during compilation by Harbour with -j option
      for above code we have the following entries for message with plural
            msgid "grosz"
            msgid_plural "grosze"
            msgid_plural2 "groszy"
            msgstr[0] ""
      The msgid_plural2 (and others if language has more plural forms)
      is Harbour extension which is not gettext compatible.

      The above implementation is base version but should be fully functional.
      Now we will need functions to safe/read i18n files and tools to mange
      .pot files: merge them, edit translations, create final binary i18n
      translation sets. Because we are using gettext compatible .pot files
      then for some of such jobs we can use original gettext tools but we
      need at least function which will create translation set from one or
      more .pot files.
      We should also agree some default localization(s) for files containing
      translated data, their name convention and environment variable(s)
      to set default language. It's not strictly necessary and each user
      can have his own implementation but it would help in adding new
      translations by final users to any Harbour application which will
      respect them. We can use LANG envvar to extract preferred language
      and use the same path as executed application looking for files
      <appname>-<lang>.hil files though it may create some problems for
      OSes which support only 8.3 file names so we can also define that
      HB_I18N envvar has higher priority and points to expected translation

  * harbour/include/hbextern.ch
    - removed old __i18n_*() functions
    + added current i18n functions

best regards
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