On Sun, 07 Dec 2008, Kevin Monceaux wrote:

Hi Kevin,

> Sure.  Well, as I said I eliminated the additional Makefile and script that 
> was in the 0.44.0 FreeBSD port.  Attached is my current version of a 
> Harbour 1.0.1 FreeBSD Port.

Just few notes about BSD Makefile:

> LIB_DEPENDS=  slang.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libslang

Harbour can be compiled without slang libraries. Just simply GTSLN
will not be created so it's not strictly necessary. Also now SLANG2
which supports UNICODE is rather used instead of SLANG1. Harbour
automatically detects SLANG version and can be compiled with 1, 2
and some unofficial slang1 versions with UNICODE support.

> # Not 64-bit clean
> ONLY_FOR_ARCHS=       i386

It's not longer true. Now Harbour can be build on any 32/64 bit
little and big endian platforms also with strict memory alignment.

> USE_BISON=    build

Bison is not necessary to rebuild Harbour for source code.
It's only necessary for developers who want to change Harbour
grammar rules.

> MAKE_ENV+=    HARBOURDIR=${WRKSRC}                            \
>               HB_ARCHITECTURE=bsd                             \
>               HB_COMPILER=gcc                                 \
>               HB_BIN_INSTALL=${PREFIX}/bin                    \
>               C_USR=-DHB_FREEBSD_POSIX_BUG                    \
>               HB_INC_INSTALL=${PREFIX}/include/harbour        \
>               HB_LEX=FLEX                                     \
>               HB_LIB_INSTALL=${PREFIX}/lib/harbour            \
>               HB_GT_LIB=gtcrs

current Harbour source code so it's not necesary.
HB_LEX=FLEX - Harbour does not use FLEX so it's not necesary.
HB_GT_LIB=gtcrs - now by default Harbour in *nixes uses GTTRM
which does not need any external libraries like curses. It should
also work well in FreeBSD so I suggest to remove it too. If GTTRM
does not work correctly then default GT for BSD builds should be
changed. BTW it will be good to test if it works correctly in
pure BSD console (screen output and escape key decoding). I do not
remember any test results for it.

I also committed modifications which add HB_CCACHE to config/bsd/gcc.cf
definitions so you should be able to use it directly instead of modifying
this file.
The file list in pkg-plist should be updated (if it's not generated
automatically). You can use mpkg_tgz.sh to create Harbour binaries
and extract the tar.gz archive from it to see the complete list of
included files.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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