
this is a problem inside hbtpathy which comes from xharbour and uses a
function (threadsleep) not available in harbour.

So this has to be fixed in hbtpathy.

BTW, I wrote it, and it is more of a proof of concept than a finished library
that can be used on production systems.

Best regards.


Barry Jackson wrote:
> What am I doing wrong? I am trying to build the telepathy test program.
> I am using Mandriva Linux 2009.0 and built harbour using
> script.
> The ran OK in the hbtpathy dir. and
> /usr/lib/harbour/libhbtpathy.a exists.
> Regular "Hello World" programs compile OK and run without problem.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] hbr]$ hbmk @testtp.txt
> Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 9842)
> Copyright (c) 1999-2008,
> Reading 'testtp.txt'...
> Compiling module 'testtp.prg'...
> Compiling module 'telepath.prg'...
> Lines 1273, Functions/Procedures 34
> Generating C source output to 'testtp.c'... Done.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] hbr]$ hbcc testtp.c tplinux.c tpcommon.c
> /home/baz/tmp/ccueA9Uh.o:(.data+0x138): undefined reference to
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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