>Since I've mentioned about this problem few weeks ago I'd like to
>report that now with 2.0.6 it has been fixed.

>Many thanks Sun.


In changelog of VBox 2.0.6 I do not see any change/fix related to the problem with shared folders

In the case reported by me some weeks ago (included below), now with 2.0.6 there are not change, error happen as before

David Macias

I have about six months using Mandriva 2008.1 - VirtualBox - WinXPPSP2,
started with VBox 1.5.6 and now is 2.0.4

All this time I used Samba/shares to access NTFS/FAT32 partitions with
WinXPPSP2 VM and everything work fine with Harbour and disk access

Now I replaced Samba/shares with "Shared Folders" and running same
programs WinXPPSP2 reboot with screen "to protect itself" ( a text
screen with a lot of info about drivers failures, ... and reboot to
protect )

This failure happen using:
  nHandler := FOPEN( cDestino, FO_READWRITE+FO_SHARED )
and NOT using DBF/CDX files

Other program work fine using DBF/CDX files, not tested writing on file

As I can see there are a problem with Shared Folders / Harbour disk access

David Macias

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