On Sun, 09 Nov 2008, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:

>>>    ; TOFIX: It doesn't work. Maybe more eyeballs will spot the
>>>             problem more easily.
>> What does it mean "It doesn't work" :-)
>> It cannot be linked or it's runtime problem?
>> What errors do you have?
> You're too quick I was just preparing the details :)
> (shortly: it doesn't link)
> So here they are (first some new BCC warnings):
> ---
> Warning W8080 source\vm\arrays.c 1473: 'hb_stack_ptr_from_tls()' is 
> declared but never used

BCC reports it for inline functions???
Interesting. I'll pacify it.

> And the linking problem (with BCC, MSVC looked pretty similar. Some lines 
> stripped to fit in mail size limit):
> ---
>       bin\b32\harbour.exe -n -iinclude -q0 -w3 -es2 -gc3 -km -l  
> -oobj\dll\b32\ 
> utils\hbrun\hbrun.prg
>       bcc32.exe  -c -q -d -Q -w -w-sig- -tWM -4 -O2 -OS -Ov -Oi -Oc -Iinclude 
> -Iobj\b32 -DUNICODE -v -y -oobj\dll\b32\hbrun.obj obj\dll\b32\hbrun.c
> obj\dll\b32\hbrun.c:
>       ilink32.exe -Gn -C -ap -Tpe -Llib\b32 -Lbin\b32  @MAKE0036.@@@
> Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
> Error: Unresolved external '_hb_compExprCBVarDel' referenced from 
> Error: Unresolved external '_hb_compExprDescription' referenced from 

Ups. You were right. It's the problem with EXPORT attribute caused
by dividing compiler code into dll and static parts.
You will have to add also PP_LIB and COMMON_LIB.

best regards,
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