On Sat, 08 Nov 2008, David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:

Hi David,

> Rebuilt Harbour with
> Before running new test application (pba.exe):
>   set HB_TR_FLUSH=1
>   set HB_TR_OUTPUT=trace.log
> and results are:
> ----------------
> SYS1808:
> The process has stopped.  The software diagnostic
> code (exception code) is  0005.
> ----------------
> trace.log are never created
> ------------
> dir /od
> [...]
>  8/11/08  7:21p         5,218      0 a---  mi_ow.cmd
>  8/11/08  7:35p       254,571      0 a---  make_ow.log
>  8/11/08  7:43p       972,753      0 a---  pba.exe
>        53 file(s)   5,288,427 bytes used
> ------------
> [E:\harbour810\harbour]dir ..\trace.log /s
> The volume label in drive E is ECS.
> The Volume Serial Number is A913:E015.
> SYS0002: The system cannot find the file specified.
> ------------
> Testing with hbvm.lib ( without MT ) work fine creating trace.log with 
> 2,970 lines
> -----------
> func main
>  qout( "hello world" )
> return nil
> -----------
> So Harbour tracing fails in MT / OW

I do not know what is wrong in this build but there is no
difference between MT and ST mode in such tests. Both should
create tracelog. I've just tested it and it works. Though
I've found one problem. Some tracelog message in memvars.c can
cause GPF. I'll fix it but it does not change the fact that
it's working as expected and tracelog is created and contains
many entries before it reach memvars.c.
So sth has to be wrong in binaries you are creating.

BTW have you tried:
   printf("0. hb_gt_os2_ReadKey()\r\n");fflush(stdout);
before HB_TRACE() in gtos2.c?

best regards,
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