Hi Francesco,

headers (in Makefile and common.mak where we already
have xhb.ch and hbcompat.h/ch setup similarly).


A question about header files: what have I to modify in our makefile system (or in single make batch) to copy header files (*.h and *.ch) from a contrib folder to main include folder ? I've seen that files likes hbwhat.ch or xhb.ch are copied but not other header files, so I'm missing where they are defined and what are the rules.

It's 'Makefile' and 'common.mak' in xhb dir. Look where
'hbcompat.h' is present in these files. You can add
'xhb.h' next to it in both files (note that you have
to use a tab for indentation in 'Makefile' - to make
GNU make happy -, and simple spaces in 'common.mak').


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