Przemek, Maurilio:
Now that we have Harbour/gcc335 and allmost Harbour/OpenWatcom 1.7 I
started to test them
Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 9824)
harbour.exe, hbpp.exe, hbdoc.exe, hbmake.exe, hbrun.exe, hbtest.exe
All executables run fine
harbour.exe, hbpp.exe run fine
hbdoc.exe, hbmake.exe, hbrun.exe, hbtest.exe: fail with SYS1811
SYS1811: The process has stopped. The software diagnostic code
(trap number) is 000D.
[E:\harbour810\harbourow\bin]help 1811
SYS1811: The process has stopped. The software diagnostic code
(trap number) is ***.
EXPLANATION: The program attempted to perform an instruction that the
system cannot perform. The software diagnostic code allows
determination of what type of instruction was attempted.
ACTION: Correct the problem or try a different version of the program.
In make_ow.log I found:
for hbvmmt:
../../../thread.c(402): Warning! W869: col(25) use of '_beginthread'
requires build target to be multi-threaded
for hbvmmt:
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'main_' ignored.
For hbrun.exe:
Warning! W1023: no starting address found, using 0001:00000000
creating an OS/2 32-bit executable
For hbtest.exe
Warning! W1023: no starting address found, using 0001:00000000
creating an OS/2 32-bit executable
For hbdoc.exe
Warning! W1023: no starting address found, using 0001:00000000
creating an OS/2 32-bit executable
For hbmake.exe
Warning! W1023: no starting address found, using 0001:00000000
creating an OS/2 32-bit executable
As I remember these W1023 warnings appear in previous make_ow.log files
but I deleted all these files except latest
David Macias
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