I'm using Sun's VBox 2.0.4 under Ubuntu 8.04 with a Win2000Sp4 VM.
>I use it to maintain C53b/FW16 apps and to build Harbour using
>msys/mingw and I access datas that are in the host ( Ubuntu ) using
>VBox's shared folders.
>Now if I build the apps using C53b/Fw16 they work ( slowly ) while the
>same apps ( with many #ifdef of course )  hang at start with Harbour.
>If I copy the data in the VM C: drive they work of course.

>I've tried to use gdb but it simply hang and often the entire VM need
>to be closed.

>Clearly it is not an Harbour problem but since C53b works it would be
>nice to know where the "problem" can be so I could try to forward the
>info to the Sun's developers.

>I also think that file locking is 1-st candidate.
>Try to isolate the problem with small example which
>creates/open DBF with indexes.

I have about six months using Mandriva 2008.1 - VirtualBox - WinXPPSP2, started with VBox 1.5.6 and now is 2.0.4

All this time I used Samba/shares to access NTFS/FAT32 partitions with WinXPPSP2 VM and everything work fine with Harbour and disk access

Now I replaced Samba/shares with "Shared Folders" and running same programs WinXPPSP2 reboot with screen "to protect itself" ( a text screen with a lot of info about drivers failures, ... and reboot to protect )

This failure happen using:
  nHandler := FOPEN( cDestino, FO_READWRITE+FO_SHARED )
and NOT using DBF/CDX files

Other program work fine using DBF/CDX files, not tested writing on file

As I can see there are a problem with Shared Folders / Harbour disk access

David Macias

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