Hi all,

Pls find attached high level i18n_* functions.
Now, instead of a filename template, a translation
loader callback can be specified by the user, so
the actual source of the translation is completely
controllable from the user side. The block is getting
the language ID as a parameter. This layer uses
low level __i18n_loadfrommemory() (for default cases),
and __i18n_gettext().

hb_i18n_loadcallback( [<bNewCallback> | NIL ] ) -> <bOldCallback>
hb_i18n_baselang( [<cNewLangID>] ) -> <cOldLangID>
hb_i18n_activelang( [<cNewLangID>] ) -> <cOldLangID>
hb_i18n_gettext( <cText> ) -> <cTranslatedText>
hb_i18n_gettextlang( <cText> [, <cLangID> ] -> <cTranslatedText>

Comments are welcome.


Attachment: hbi18nfn.prg
Description: Binary data

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