On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Massimo Belgrano wrote:

Hi Massimo,

> >Very simple. It calls MS-Windows function which makes the conversion.
> >xBase++ does not make any conversions at all. It means that xBase++
> >creates unportable indexes in such case because program which wants
> >to access them has to use the same function which exists only in Windows.
> >In WINE this function uses official Unicode collation tables and it's
> >not binary compatible and we cannot use it.
> Thanks and sorry for my ignorance?
> If you kwnow wich are name of api I can made same search

It's LCMapString() used with LCMAP_SORTKEY.

> Varchar, Varbinary, Blob will be intresting?

We have such functionality but it's not xbase++ compatible.

> Have you a sample of how be managed ole?

These are normal memo fields only marked in DBF header that they
holds OLE objects by using "G" instead of "M".

But I've just found interesting thing looing and dbf1.c code.
Why we have disabled many of DBF filed types by encapsulating some
code inside HB_COMPAT_FOXPRO?
Do we want to disable all Harbour DBF extensions when VFP begins to
use them? ;-)
I can understand that some of unfinished code should be disabled
but someone who made this modifications seriously broke existing
functionality and Harbour extensions. I'll recheck this modification
but in the future please consult such things with me.

> >For existing VFP code which does not existing 3-rd party Harbour/Clipper
> >header files with dot used as part of new commands then simple #xtrnaslate
> >is probably enough without any compiler modifications.
> I  think as you

> Not so easy because Visual fox pro have a gui 
> I post a sample (not gui) written in foxpro
> If usefull I can post other little sample
> http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=52935
> PROCEDURE VfpOOoWritExample()

I'm sorry but I do not know what this code does.
I want to implement pure SQL support for Harbour. The controls
and visual elements has nothing to do with it.

best regards,
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