Would you please do us a favor and unsubscribe
from this list with your old hotmail e-mail?
Thank you.
On 2008.10.23., at 11:24, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Me cansé de que hotmail me mande a la basura todo mi correo útil y
siga dejando entrar a mi bandeja de entrada todo el correo basura.
Me cambié al correo de google, te recomiendo hacer lo mismo.
I´m tired of hotmail trowing all my useful email to trash as spam
and letting so much spam to get into my incoming folder.
I have switched to google's email, i recommend you do the same.
Tuve que poner este msg. porque la gente de hotmail es tan idiota
que no tiene una opción para eliminar la cuenta, así que aprovecho
para hacerle publicidad a un servicio que sí funciona y que sí se
puede dar de baja.
I had to write this answer message, because hotmail's people is so
lame that they couldn't put an "erase my account" option, so i seize
this chance to make advertising for a service that does work and you
can erase whenever you want.
hotmail apesta.
Hotmail stinks.
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