Hi Mindaugas (and all),

It's very easy to update make files now, the new source
file has to be added to local Makefile and common.mak,
following the existing files. That's all.

(Makefile needs tab for indenting, common.mak needs
simple spaces, that's the only notable thing to be aware


On 2008.10.22., at 16:22, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:

2008-10-22 17:17 UTC+0300 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas (dbtopas/at/ dbtopas.lt)
 + contrib/rddads/adsx.c
   + added implementation of local indexing support for ADS driver.
     Local indexing is used in case server can not do index
     creation, for example: index key depends on relation child area
     fields, index key uses user defined functions, index is created
     using codeblock, but not expression, etc.
   ; This code implements no update index! Partial index update could
     also be implemented, but I didn't have a need for this. Besides
     that partial index implementation will be a little more
     complicated than in other RDD. Database update operations are
     not done in a single goCold() method. So, index update should
     be called, from many methods: append(), putValue(), delete(),
     recall(), etc., or ADS RDD structure should be changed to
     support real goCold(). For implementation of partial index,
     I'd suggest to use tree index (instead of a simple sorted array
     and binary search). B-tree code could be found in
   ; Please check makefiles, and other compilers, platforms.
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