Hi Enrico,

I really don't see what's the difference between

bBlock := &( "{||" + cExpr + "}" )


bBlock := hb_macroCompile( "{||" + cExpr + "}" )

Nothing. Though, we've been talking about this expression: :)
bBlock := hb_macroCompile( cExpr )

other than that you have to type more characters. I don't know if there is a speed concern but the first expression is idiomatic for a Clipper-head.

For me the hack-less function format looks much
cleaner. It's probably also a bit quicker and
generates slightly smaller code, and this way
you can very easily identify where your code
uses macro compilation.

Maybe this won't qualify my as a Clipper-head,
but I always had a dislike for the '&' operator.
I'm currently hiding it with an STRCOMPILE()
macro, which does the same as hb_macroCompile().


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