It's not a problem of access/assign methods and using them
does not change anything.
The problem is in generating code which will be different
for o:var and o:var(), f.e. You have such simple code:

  function f(o)
  return o:var

and in second .prg file:

  function f(o)
  return o:var()

Compiler does not know anything about class declaration so ACCESS/
ASSIGN methods does not exist for it here.
It has to generate code which will inform HVM the in 1-st case we want
to access instance variable and in second one execute method so the code
has to be different.

I had always thought this should be the way it should work.
This is how it's done in most languages, and the fact that
they were the same in Clipper is probably because class
implementation was tackled onto the code later and/or they
had just cut a corner, or they may have thought this way
the language is more "flexible".


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