On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:

Hi David and Maurilio,

> >I think yes, let's wait for David confirmation, anyway HB_OS2_TCP32 is 
> >more meaningfull since it pinpoints what it is changing.
> Yes Iam agree, it look better
> Please add in gcc.cf a comment for -DTCPV40HDRS based on:
> ---------------------------------------
> v3.2.2 Alpha 2:
> ---------------
>     A few bugfixes and a couple of new features.
>         o The TCP/IP headers and libraries scheme have been changed.
>           The default is the current OS/2 tcpip toolkit (BSD 4.4 based).
>           To target the older OS/2 tcpip stack (BSD 4.3 based) you must
>           define TCPV40HDRS before including any TCP/IP headers and make
>           sure usr/lib/tcpipv4 is searched before usr/lib (this is to
>           get the right libsocket). It is recommended to use the -D
>           compiler option for the define and either the LIBRARY_PATH or
>           the -L compiler/linker option for the library.
> ---------------------------------------
> As Maurilio explained earlier, setting -DTCPV40HDRS does not complete all 
> the work if tcpipv4 libraries are not forced, as example:
> -------
>   set L_USR=-Le:\usr\lib\tcpipv4
> -------

So maybe it will be better to keep this setting and above information
inside make_gnu_os2.cmd.
For sure for new users it will be easier to locate this file and read
the information or even modify the file then in config/os2/gcc.cf.
What do you think?

best regards,
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