
Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> I expected worse results then Harbour ones but I didn't expect such
> big difference and such big MT overhead. xHarbour does not even use
> protection for complex variable reference counters in OS2 builds -
> Walter implemented them only for MS-Windows.

Now that you reminded me about this I've checked and my local copy of xHarbour
has this change for OS/2 as well (I just had not enough time to commit it) but
 it is done using a C runtime functions

#define HB_ATOMIC_INC( x )          __atomic_increment_s32( (long *) &(x) )
#define HB_ATOMIC_DEC( x )          __atomic_decrement_s32( (long *) &(x) )

instead of your inlined asm, so this could have a much higher overhead.

I'll try to port your code back to xHarbour and see what changes speed wise.

I did a full rebuild before testing, though.

Best regards.


|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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