On Wed, 24 Sep 2008, Chen Kedem wrote:
> is it possible for you to implement a "data trigger" (for vars, fields,
> object and so on) defining a code block called when the object changes his
> value...
> example of code
> function main()
> local nvar as numeric
> nvar := 1
> //
> // set trigger (for example)
> //
> _set_trigger("nvar",{|cName,Value| qout(cName+" new value:"+str(Value)}
> // trigger is called immediately after nvar value change
> nvar++
> return NIL
> result:
> NVAR new value: 2

For simple vars there is no such functionality at .prg level though
it's be quite easy to implement it in C using existing functionality.
We even already use such mechanism in few places, f.e. for thread local
static variables or SETGET object method references. I do not find it
enough usable to create public .prg interface for it but it's possible
and if more people will request for it and group agree I can implement
For DBFs it's possible to set triggers executed on each fields access/
assign using SIX3 interface.

best regards,
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