Does hb_dbdetach supersedes hb_wadetach?

I don't have harbour/source/rdd/wadetach.c in the svn.

best regards,

2008-09-20 00:42 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
  + harbour/source/rdd/wadetach.c
    + added .prg functions:
         hb_waDetach( [<nWorkArea>|<cAlias>], [<xCargo>] ) -> <lSuccess>
         hb_waRequest( [<cAlias>], [<lFreeArea>], [<@xCargo>], [<lWait>] )
            -> <lSuccess>
      The first one detach workarea from current thread and move it
      to special hidden holder. Before detaching all relations (parent
      and child) to detached workarea are cleared.
      The second one restores area from the holder and attach it
      to calling thread.
    + added xBase++ compatible functions DbRelease() / DbRequest()
      xBase++ users please test. If possible please also check what xBase++
      does with relations and active RLOCKs/FLOCK on released WA.
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