2008-09-22 02:34 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl) * harbour/include/hbvm.h * harbour/source/vm/hvm.c * harbour/source/vm/thread.c + added .prg function hb_threadSelf() -> <pThID> | NIL It returns thread ID pointer variable or NIL when thread was registered without it (main thread and some 3-rd party threads created by C API)
* harbour/source/vm/hvm.c * protect s_InitFunctions and s_ExitFunctions by mutex * harbour/source/common/hbverdsp.c * use hb_verBuildDate() instead of __DATE__ and __TIME__ in hb_verBuildInfo() function to report the same time in both cases. best regards Przemek _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour