>The idea here, is that 1.0.1 is a final release, and as such it is >default to performance. >1.1.0 is the dev version, and for now it is default to ease of debugging >and reporting
>problems (which the FM_STATISTICS help to find).

>When it will be the time for 1.1.0 to be released as final, these >defaults will probably >changed exactly as they were changed for 1.0.1 (and there are other >candidates).

>The idea here is that we're having FM stat
>module - by default - turned off for stable
>branches (like 1.0, and a future stable 1.1),
>but we leave it on for the dev branch (trunk).

>IOW, I didn't intend to sync this either way.

Thanks Chen, Viktor

Harbour 1.0.0 have:
* By default this is turned on. Define HB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF to turn it off.

so at least for OS/2 version I provided, it have stat on. Sorry  :-)

Built on: Aug 14 2008 04:08:15
Last ChangeLog entry: 2008-08-13 16:35 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syena
Memory tracing and statistics: on

Viktor, what VirtualBox are you using ?
In Mandriva 2008.1 I upgraded from 1.6.2 to 2.0.2 and have seen some stranges

David Macias

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