There are some old tests that still use hb_run as "__hrbrun".

Moreover we now have an util called hbrun which is more an "hrbrun".

Sorry for the "word game", but I was looking for the differences
between __RUN and HB_RUN and it took me a while to get the right info
so this may confuse users too.

I was looking for it because I need to start an harbour app "in
background". Under Unix is as easy as add an "&" at the end of the
string but under Win you need sth like WinExec to achieve the same

I wonder if instead of using sth like:

    WinExec( CmdStr )
    __RUN( CmdStr + " &" )

we could add a second parameter to HB_RUN like "fore/back" to get a
more elegant solution ( even because WinExec is not in std libs ).

best regards,
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