On Fri, 08 Aug 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:

Hi Viktor,

> And I think the answer to your question is: yes. As far
> as I could see on internet articles, Apple tackled sh
> to not understand 'echo -n', in order to be compliant with
> the Unix whatever standard. This didn't affect bash though,
> which still understands ''echo -n'.

But they didn't created new shell. This shell (/bin/sh)
is hacked bash copy only which will be recognized as bash
by scripts which later will bahve wrongly. IMHO It's the
worst thing they could do.

> The two shell binaries
> are almost identical, except some subtle differences, like
> this one.

Unfortunately they are _too_similar_ and both reports that
are bash when one of them is hacked bash confusing scripts.

> I'm referring to this article as a starting point:
> http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20071106192548833
> [ read the comments too. ]

I've just read it and I do not agree it's well implemented feature.
Due to MacOSX authors we will have new rules in autoconf to detect
bash and MacOSX hacked bash :-(

best regards,
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