On Fri, 01 Aug 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:

Hi Viktor,

> By cleaning the many warnings, two new ones got revealed:
> Warning W8056 source\rdd\dbf1.c 2379: Integer arithmetic overflow in  
> function hb_dbfPutValue
> Warning W8056 source\rdd\dbf1.c 2398: Integer arithmetic overflow in  
> function hb_dbfPutValue
> Both lines use the HB_DBL_LIM_64() macro.

Probably yet another problem with stdint.h in BCC5.8
But without this compiler I can only guess what's wrong
this time: try to add yet another hack like for INT32_MIN
but this time for INT64_MIN:

   #undef INT64_MIN
   #define INT64_MIN ((int64_t) (-INT64_MAX-1))

If it helps then please commit, if doesn't then please try
to make some experiments with this code to detect exact
reason of warning message.

   #define X_MAX ((__int64) 9223372036854775807)
   #define X_MIN ((__int64) -9223372036854775808)
   BOOL f( double d )
      return ( (long double) X_MIN <= (long double) (d) &&
               (long double) (d) <= (long double) X_MAX );

best regards,
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