Hi Marek,

[ I hope you spent great time during your vacations :) ]

Thanks, it was great, even if I'm a slightly more tired
than before it :)

IMO, we should either stick with one compiler when generating
"official" harbour.dll (this may mean a separate, compiler independent
.dll-only binary distribution .zip file), or we can try to make them
interchangeable, if there is any chance to do it.

IMO the former is only acceptable as long as you consider
binary distrubutions provided by Harbour team. But some
users might want to build Harbour from sources using their
favorite C compiler. What would be the solution for them ?
How would we protect them ?

One solution might be to name the MSVC one harbour.dll
(if we choose the MSVC build as the official standard),
and name incompatible ones differently (like harbour-b32.dll).

Generically speaking the official Harbour distributed
.dll name should be harbour.dll, naming anything built
locally is the responsibility of the builder, just like
naming it similarly but making it incompatible (which
is not a very good practice of course). This may add
up to the .dll hell if these files get distributed of
course, but that's the nature of this thing in Windows.

To put is shortly: We should distribute harbour.dll
built with [MSVC], everything non-compatible, or locally
built is advised to be named harbour-*.dll.

The latter is *far* beyond my knowledge. I am not even sure
if it is doable at all :).

I have no idea either. I just _suspect_ it's doable,
maybe someone has an idea how. [ There are some packages
where building .dlls is supported using multiple compilers,
but I couldn't find which one it is, it was one the 3rd
party packages for our contribs. ]

[ BTW, I'll be unrechable on a list for at least few weeks -
if no longer :(. Sorry. I accept each group decision on this
subject taken in a meantime. ]

I wish you well, and hope to see you back you as soon
as possible.


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