Hi Viktor,

Recently you have introduced HB_DIR_* envvars into some of our contribs.
Well, I cannot see the reason for this another set of - IMO - unnecesary
things, especially that they introduce quite a mess instead of simplifying
building process. Explanation :

I have downloaded FreeImage for Windows zip which after unzipping gives 
me the following structure : 

.            <DIR>     08.02.15    9:29
..           <DIR>     08.02.15    9:29
EXAMPLES     <DIR>     08.02.15    9:29
SOURCE       <DIR>     08.02.15    9:29
WRAPPER      <DIR>     08.02.15    9:29
LICENS~1 TXT     17577 04.03.17    5:45
LICENS~2 TXT     18353 04.06.27   18:42
README~1 MIN      1529 04.03.17    5:45
WHATSNEW TXT     50075 07.11.19   21:04
       11 plik(ów)      87534 bajtów

As you can see there is no DIST dir inside. I have set HB_INC_FREEIMAGE
envvar to my FreeImage SOURCE directory where dll and .h is placed but
FreeImage was not built. After looking at contrib/make_b32_all.bat I saw
this line :

   if not "%HB_DIR_FREEIMAGE%" == "" set _HB_DIRS=%_HB_DIRS% hbfimage

So to include FreeImage in build process I have to set HB_DIR_FREEIMAGE
envvar as well. I see NO REASON to set two envvars to build one contrib
from a user's point of view. 

All this mess comes from your *forced* soultion to build *.lib from
*.dll automaticly. As I said it many many times you pay more and more
in terms of simplicity and clearity of building process - still keeping 
this solution, and in fact you make things harder than they could be
for the end user. The sad thing is that you do not want to acccept
this argument at all. Please remove this HB_DIR_* thing ...



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