I seems I now have to define __HARBOUR__ for it to compile and use
topclass.ch properly - I did not have to do this before.
<<<Original message>>>
Hi all,
I can no longer compile PRG code which contains class definitions
(via Clip4Win32's topclass.ch) - I get the following errors:
PPBROWSE.prg(97) Error E0030 Syntax error: "syntax error at 'INIT'"
PPBROWSE.prg(99) Error E0030 Syntax error: "syntax error at '__SUBWNDPROC'"
PPBROWSE.prg(101) Error E0030 Syntax error: "syntax error at 'ADDCOLUMN'"
PPBROWSE.prg(102) Error E0030 Syntax error: "syntax error at
However, this worked fine in: Harbour devel build 1.1-1 Intl. (Rev. 8567)
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