
[Quotes reordered]

> BTW, I don't know what purpose does it serve
> to insult me personally in your messages,
> I don't think I've ever did that (rather the
> contrary), in my messages towards you. [ If I
> did, sorry, I certainly didn't mean it. ]

You are absolutly right. My post was a kind of
a personal attack and it was meant to be so :).
And after posting it I feel a lot better ;-).

To clarify things to all others - I *very much*
(and when I say "very much" I really mean "*very
much*") appreciate your contributions. In fact
whithout you - Harbour would be dead long ago.

But there are areas where I do not agree with
your solutions at all. And in those areas you
force your solutions without listening to any
(even resonable) arguments. That's why I find
it hard to contribute something usefull to
Harbour at a moment (besides others, much more
important, private healthy problems, which are
still valid unfortunately).

Yes, I know I do nothing else but breaking
things in Harbour, but nevertheless I'd
appreciate if you could help, just like I
used to do when I'm fixing loads of things
"broken" by other developers.

See above.

You bet that when I happen to break anything,
this is not my goal (neither is the goal of
anyone else doing mistakes), and it's definitely
not an attack against you, or your competence.

I never had a feeling you want to impair my
competence. I rather had a feeling you want
to have a final word. That's a difference :).

I've found 2008-05-27 04:15 where I've removed
WIN32, __WIN32__, __WINDOWS__ from *vc.mak files.

So, if you say we need WIN32 from this list,
I still wonder about the reason, could you tell
some words about it? Or how to fix this properly
in hbdefs.h?

"hbdefs.h" has the following :

#if defined( __EXPORT__ )
   #if defined( __RSXNT__ )
      /* RSXNT does not support any type of export keyword.
         Exported (i.e., public) names can be obtained via
         the emxexp utility and the output can be used for
         input to a module definition file. See emxdev.doc
         in the RSXNT doc/ directory for more information. */
      #define HB_EXPORT

   #elif defined( __GNUC__ ) && defined( HB_OS_WIN_32 )
      #define HB_EXPORT __attribute__ (( dllexport ))

   #elif defined( __GNUC__ ) && defined( HB_OS_LINUX )
      #define HB_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))

   #elif defined( __BORLANDC__ )
      #define HB_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )

   #elif defined( __WATCOMC__ )
      #define HB_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )

   #elif defined( ASANLM ) || defined( ASANT )
      #define HB_EXPORT

   #elif defined( WIN32 )
      #define HB_EXPORT _declspec( dllexport )

      #define HB_EXPORT

   #define HB_EXPORT

As you can see MSVC is not explicitly listed in the above.
Instead it relies on #elif defined( WIN32 ) path.

AFAIK In MSVC WIN32 is not required to be always defined.
Only _WIN32 is guaraneed to be always defined (I may be
wrong here). Either way it is better to explicitly define
HB_EXPORT for MSVC in the above also.



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