2008-07-02 11:57 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/contrib/xhb/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/xhb/common.mak
  - harbour/contrib/xhb/hbchksum.c
    * removed HB_CHECKSUM() code - it's not necessary

  * harbour/contrib/xhb/xhbfunc.c
    + redirected HB_CHECKSUM() to HB_ADLER32()

  * harbour/source/rtl/gtwvt/gtwvt.c
    ! fixed WINCE builds. It was only for MiGWCE which partially emulates
      GetSystemMenu() but probably other builds will report that this
      function is missing.
      If possible please test if current Harbour application can be
      executed in real WinCE environment.

  * harbour/make_deb.sh
    * updated contrib library list

  * harbour/contrib/hbmysql/mysql.c
    ! fixed compilation for older MYSQL versions

  * harbour/contrib/gtwvg/gtwvg.c
  * harbour/contrib/gtwvg/wvgutils.c
    ! fixed UNICODE builds

  + harbour/config/none.cf
    + added dummy header file for GNU make to avoid errors on unsupported

  * harbour/contrib/hbw32ddr/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbmysql/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbodbc/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbwhat32/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbtpathy/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbw32/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbole/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbapollo/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbfbird/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbziparch/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbcurl/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbhpdf/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/rddado/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/gtwvg/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbpgsql/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/rddads/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbfimage/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbgd/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbgf/hbgfw32/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbgf/hbgfos2/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbgf/hbgfgtk/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbtip/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/hbbmcdx/Makefile
    * updated to not generate errors for unsupported builds

best regards
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