#ifdef __HARBOUR__
#ifdef __HARBOUR_SVN__
.... Code with new feautured funcs ....
.... Code with old fashioned funcs ....

#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
#ifdef __XHARBOUR_CVS__
.... Code with new feautured funcs ....
.... Code with old fashioned funcs ....

With latest Harbour SVN:

#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
   do xhb stuff, use xhb version defines.
#elif __HARBOUR__
   do Harbour stuff
   /* supported method */
   #if __HARBOUR__ > 0x010100
       do some Harbour stuff available in or after version 1.1.0
   /* unsupported method. not recommended.
(since we might for example change to different repository system in the future) */
   #if HB_VER_SVNID >= 8830
       do this way
       do that way


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