On 2008.06.04., at 23:34, Guillermo Varona Silupú wrote:
Szakáts Viktor escribió:
2008-06-04 23:18 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
  * contrib/hbsqlit2/hbsqlit2.c
    * Removed commented debug code.
    * Code cleanup, optimizations.
    ! GPFs fixed in many function, when no db was open.
    ! Automatically closing previous db when opening a new one.
    ! hb_sqlite2_db initialized with NULL.

Here da mistake and does not allow creating the LIB.

Firstly gives this error:
makefile:46: ../../config/lib.c: No such file or directory
MINGW32-MAKE: *** No rule to make target `../../config/lib.c'.  Stop.
Yes, Makefile got snipped (seemingly by accident)
the last char. I'll readd it.

For the rest, it seems sqlite 2.x code cannot compile
out of the box under GNU. Someone will have to fix this,
who is more familiar with this compiler than me.

Maybe it would be better to switch back to .dll mode
for this contrib.


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