Now, for this one, I'm also getting a warning, and I
always did, because I used '-w', which I've recently
added to the default BCC make switches, that's why
you also see it.

Yes, we'd need to hunt this down. (I've added a hack
to hbapollo to solve the same warnings in their code.)
The hack is easy, but it would be better to the exact
reasons (declspec is not document in BCC help). The hack
is to #define _declspec to __declspec, the latter is
also not an ANSI keyword, but BCC seems to be silent
about it.


On 2008.05.31., at 3:24, Luis Krause Mantilla wrote:


rddads also throws a warning, but because it's just one
it build fine, but I guess it would be good to get rid of
this warning:

Warning W8036 ..\..\include\hbset.h 232: Non-ANSI keyword used: '_declspec'


Luis Krause Mantilla
lkrausem at shaw dot ca
luis_krause at hotmail dot com
"May the Source be with GNU"

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