2008-05-20 13:30 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
   + contrib/hbvpdf
   + contrib/hbvpdf/common.mak
   + contrib/hbvpdf/hbvpdf.prg
   + contrib/hbvpdf/hbvpdf.ch
   + contrib/hbvpdf/make_gcc.sh
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/fonts.dat
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/files
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/files/color.tif
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/files/test.txt
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/files/color.jpg
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/pdf_demo.prg
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/tstpdf.prg
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/bld_b32.bat
   + contrib/hbvpdf/tests/bld_vc.bat
   + contrib/hbvpdf/hbvpdft.prg
   + contrib/hbvpdf/make_b32.bat
   + contrib/hbvpdf/make_vc.bat
   + contrib/hbvpdf/Makefile
     + Added Viktor K's pure Clipper pdf lib.
     + Added Pritpal's OOP version.
     + Added make files, reorged dir layout, named 
       files to avoid collision.
     + Added minor #define tweak to compile as-is.
     * Renamed pdf.ch to hbvpdf.ch for above reasons, 
       if this hurts anybody, I will correct it.
     ! Fixed unused vars and a few other things.
     ; TOFIX: - ShellExecute(), GetDeskTopWindow() 
                dependencies commented out.
              - fonts.dat dependency is a PITA, so 
                this file should be moved inside 
                the .prg somehow.
              - There are some hard-wired non porable 
                things like acrobat executable path.

   * contrib/Makefile
   * contrib/make_b32_all.bat
   * contrib/make_gcc_all.sh
   * contrib/make_vc_all.bat
     + hbvpdf added to make systems.

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