These changes are required in adordd.prg in order to have Found()
working after a LOCATE command:

#define WA_FOUND     15

#define WA_SIZE      15
static function ADO_LOCATE( nWA, lContinue )

   local aWAData    := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   oRecordSet:Find( aWAData[ WA_SCOPEINFO ][ UR_SI_CFOR ], If(
lContinue, 1, 0 ) )
   aWAData[ WA_FOUND ] = ! oRecordSet:EOF
   aWAData[ WA_EOF ] = oRecordSet:EOF

return SUCCESS
static function ADO_FOUND( nWA, lFound )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )

   lFound = aWAData[ WA_FOUND ]

return SUCCESS
   aAdoFunc[ UR_FOUND ]        := ( @ADO_FOUND() )

I appreciate if someone upload it to the svn. Thanks,
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