Will Visual dBSee generate code source in xHarbour language?
This best tool is made in your country. You can contact they?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Massimo Belgrano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Harbour Project Main Developer List." <>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 9:21 AM
Subject: [Harbour] will [x]harbour be cool

VFP Studio's Code Editor ( , is made
possible via a Language Service in Visual Studio 2008,
VFP Studio provides some significant enhancements when compared to the
editor included in VFP 9.0 including outlining, Quick Info,
Intellisense for user-defined classes, line numbers, word wrap, VS-
style navigation bar, improved Code Snippets and various other
features .

i suggest [x]harbour people made a joint venture with Craig Boyd &
Bo Durban the makers of  VFP Studio

Bo Durban is the CEO for Moxie Data, Inc. specializing in the
development of enhanced database and reporting tools for VFP
developers. He is also the project manager for the GDIPlusX open
source project on VFPX.

Craig Boyd is the CEO of SweetPotato Software, Inc. (SPS). Having
worked in every version of FoxPro since 2.5, he is an avid and
experienced Visual FoxPro developer. He is also the creator and host
of the popular SPS Weblog, which contains some great Visual FoxPro
related content at Craig has
developed a number of applications for US and International clients,
and he specializes in helping other software companies meet
challenging deadlines, solve complex problems, and upgrade their
project interfaces. When he's not working on client projects, writing
blog entries, or helping members of the Visual FoxPro Community out on
the forums, he writes articles geared toward Visual FoxPro developers
for IT magazines

Massimo Belgrano
Albo Nazionale Informatici Professionisti n° 2620
Socio n° 2843 Associazione Informatici Professionisti

Analisi e sviluppo software per Lan e Web
Consulenza informatica - Formazione
Delta Informatica S.r.l.
Via Torelli , 31 - 28100 Novara - Tel: 0321/30281

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