On 12 Feb 2008 at 3:12, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:

> I want to reduce API functions which may cause internal errors
> in different places when are used in wrong way. And hb_gcLock()/
> hb_gcUnlock() are potentially such functions. Now I do not see any
> code which may need it as long as it does not use some thicks like
> unknown for GC HB_ITEMs.

  OK, I can agree on such restictions however we will have to 
that the pointer allocated with hb_gcAlloc() have to be attached 
hb_gcAttach() function to some item - the item have to be allocated 
using hb_itemNew(). 
  Or alternatively we can use gcAlloc/gcAttach internally in VM/RTL 
3-rd party code will have to use a wrapper called for example
hb_itemNewGCPtr( size, destructor )
that will replace hb_itemPutPtrGC()

> Array reallocation should not be a problem. Now we do not have any
> preallocation code for arrays but it can be and for sure will be added
> in the future. xHarbour already has such feature. it's few lines only.
> You can even implement such feature yourself for SQL RDD by keeping
> index to free raw in array in additional variable and multiple the
> array size by 2 when the pointer reach limit. The cost of reallocation
> will be n*log2(n)/2 where n is maximum array size - unimportant if
> you compere it to cost of row creation. You can also keep raws in
> items allocated by hb_itmeNew() and create list of such items though
> here the cost will be bigger but you ill not need continuous memory
> block. IMHO everything is better then touching item internals.

  OK, you can remove it, I can just use an array of arrays of rows 
which probably will be a good compromise between the GC and the 

Regards, Ryszard
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