Hi Viktor,

> >> I like it better still, because these are "plugins" in a sense.
> >
> > But this fact, "in a sense", has *zero* impact on a technical
> > problems
> In my first mail regarding this, I clearly wrote that
> while I see no TECHNICAL problems here, yet I (IMHO)
> find it better to have them separate. When deciding about
> something there is not just always technical possibilities
> to consider (aka: 'if I _can_ do it, doesn't make it always
> the best, or right'). 

It's *clear* to me, but *I don't see* this argument usable
to GT/RDD subsystems. See below.

> GT/RDDs are _very_ similar to plugins
> (but not equal to them, but at least we don't used to use
> this word for it, hence the word "in a sense"). This open,
> extendable, "plugin"-like implementation is their biggest
> strength and one the very nice and unique features of
> Clipper/Harbour. That's why I wouldn't hide it.

So we must have a different point of view of what plugin *is*.
To me it is a feature which *can* be loaded/unloaded during runtime. 
Usualy this means loading/unloading dlls. So to me *if* we could 
load/unload GT/RDD subsystems during runtime then it could be 
described as plugins. Otherwise they are simply *drivers*. 
AFAIK we're not able to load/unload GT/RDD at runtime, are we ?
BTW, I am not sure you can even switch GT driver dynamicly during 
runtime - if you can't then GT is even not comparable to RDD, 
which can be switched during runtime.

> If we hide it, we're basically _masking_ this feature IMO,
> so that a new developer could not even find out that Harbour
> has this possibility and consider the whole "rddSetDefault()"
> a mere annoyance without seeing the benefit.

Sorry, I don't take this "argument" seriously. We're not hiding
anything IMO. We're simply "simplifing" the whole thing. That's
> I hope we'll hear more opinions from others.

Me too.



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