On Fri, 08 Feb 2008, Alexander S.Kresin wrote:
> PC> Brian, can you ask extended system if we can have ace.h in
> PC> our SVN/CVS repositories?
>  I had requested for such permission in December, 1999. And I got an
>  answer from them, which I immedeately posted to this mail list.
>  Here is this answer:
> =======================
> "The full source thing answers the question.  We should not care if
> gets distributed as part of the Harbour source.  The copyright notice
> needs
> to be maintained, though.  Alexander may want to add some information
> somewhere about where to get updates if necessary (i.e. the Advantage
> web
> site)."
> This is the reply I got from Mike Lydon our R&D manager.  You should
> have
> all the software.  Just add a copyright notice to your licensing and
> that
> should work.  
> Bill Schuler
> Database Products
> Southeast Sales Manager
> Phone (800)235-7576 ext. 6051
>       (208)322-7575 ext. 6051
> Fax   (208)327-5006
> 5777 N. Meeker Ave. 
> Boise, ID 83711
> http://www.advantagedatabase.com
> http://solutions.advantagedatabase.com
> ============================

Thank you.
IMHO we should add the above note at the beginning of ace.h
if we will decide to keep our own copy in core code.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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