Massimo Renzi (MaticaSrl) escribió el 04/01/08 a las 15:14:

> Hi Lost,
> thank you very much for your reply.

You're welcome.

> It's true... dbSetIndex() give error too.
> But... I've about 800 source files.
> In this case xHarbour it's not Clipper compatible.
> It's possible trim the value of passed parameter?

Just two things:
1- xHarbour? This is the Harbour (no "x") developers list. Maybe you want to
try some xHarbour-specific forum.
2- Anyway, I don't think that the xHarbour sources are wrong in this case,
either. Have you checked the parameter passed to ORDLISTADD()? How do you
obtain it?

And I don't know about xHarbour, but the Harbour compiler has the "-u" switch
that comes in handy in a situation like this. I'd do as follows:
- Make a copy of, name it whatever you like (eg. ""). Make sure
the compiler will be able to find this copy!
- Open this copy in your favourite editor.
- Find the "SET INDEX TO" #command and modify it to look like this:

#command SET INDEX TO [<(i1)> [,<(iN)>]] [<add: ADDITIVE>] => ;
         if !<.add.> ; ordListClear() ; end ;
         [ ; ordListAdd( ALLTRIM( <(i1)> ) )] [ ; ordListAdd( ALLTRIM( <(iN)> ) 

- Save and exit.
- Recompile all the afected sources, adding to whatever compiler
switches you use.


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