Hi Ansgar,

On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 08:49:29AM +0100, Ansgar Jazdzewski wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm looking for a way to count the number of in-flight operations per
> user (extracted from the URL path) and store that value in a variable.
> My goal is to track and enforce a per-user concurrency limit using
> HAProxy's stick tables and GPC.
> My approach is to use a GPC counter, incrementing it on request and
> decrementing it when the response is sent.
> Draft Configuration;
> ```
> frontend http-in
>     bind *:80
>     stick-table type string size 1m expire 10m store gpc0
>     http-request set-var(txn.user) path,regsub(^/([^/]+)/.*$,\1)
>     http-request track-sc0 var(txn.user)
>     # Increase in-flight counter
>     http-request set-var(txn.gpc0) sc_inc_gpc0()
>     # Limit concurrent requests per user to 5
>     acl user_over_limit sc_get_gpc0() gt 5
>     http-request deny if user_over_limit
>     # Decrease in-flight counter when response is sent
>     http-response set-var(txn.gpc0) sc_dec_gpc0()
>     ...
> ```
> However, sc_dec_gpc0() does not seem to be implemented yet. Do you
> think such a function is needed, or is there another approach I could
> take to track in-flight operations per user effectively?

There is much simpler. Please have a look at sc_trackers(). It returns
the number of active "track-sc" on a given entry. I think it does
exactly what you're looking for, without requiring to increment nor
decrement a counter.


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