Hi Илья,

I’m open to the idea on adding AWS-LC flavor to the image and/or as a separate 

In terms of reusing and combining repos, there are several reasons not to do 
that — typically slapping repos together and building several strongly 
different images (single-stage vs multi-stage builds) combined with auto-builds 
that detect new library (OpenSSL, AWS-LC) and binary (haproxy, dataplaneapi) 
builds would generate very large amount of noise, builds and tags in the same 
repository which I generally don’t like much.

In any case I’ve noticed the request and I plan to address that as soon as I 
can. Thanks!

Kind regards,

> On 13.12.2024., at 16:19, Илья Шипицин <chipits...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> what do you think if we'll combine those two together (by using build-args)
> https://github.com/haproxytech/haproxy-docker-ubuntu
> https://github.com/haproxytech/haproxy-docker-ubuntu-quic
> ...
> and add aws-lc variant ?
> (I definitely do not want to create yet another docker hub repo with just 
> aws-lc)
> Ilia

Dinko Korunic                   ** Standard disclaimer applies **
Sent from OSF1 osf1v4b V4.0 564 alpha

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