Belatedly, here is a call for the next Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Linux Users Group. This coming Saturday, 20th May 2017 from 13:00 to 18:00+ in the Broad Oaks Social Club, Hilsea.
I haven't managed to get anything specific arranged, but that makes it an ideal opportunity for an install fest and update session. Anyone who would like to bring a desktop for attention, be it minor (e.g. security updates only please. It is running well, and if it ain’t broke I don't want to fix it) or major (please help me wipe the hard drive and install a new OS). Help is at hand for carrying things up from the car park. If anyone needs to find a monitor, mouse and keyboard on arrival, he or she has only to ask. Problematic laptops welcome too, of course, or even shiny new top-of-the range laptops, just to show them off. And, it goes without saying, to show off the capabilities of Open Source. It is a long time since anyone showed off BSD. Any offers? I myself have several projects I may bring. More in a separate email. Sandwiches, tech talk and excellent company guaranteed as usual, of course. Advance notification for July: Jeffrey Best has kindly offered to talk on "Database Migration". A couple of other people have said that they will speak some time, but I have no details yet. Other offers? Today (17th) is apparently the 115th anniversary of the discovery of the Antikythera mechanism. I feel that we should mark this somehow. There is nothing new under the sun. Lisi -- Please post to: Web Interface: LUG URL: --------------------------------------------------------------