En el FAQ de PeerTube hay una cuestión interesante, que incluye cierto
dilema sobre D.tube:



Why does PeerTube use the ActivityPub federation protocol? Why not IPFS
/ d.tube / Steemit?

PeerTube uses ActivityPub because this federation protocol is
recommended by the W3C and is already used by the federated social
network Mastodon.

IPFS is a great technology, but it still seems very (too!) young for
large scale streaming of large files.

After discussing it on our forum, we feel that d.tube is not free or
open source, because publishing only compiled code hinders freedom of

D.tube is based on Steem for "remuneration", it is a choice, but Steem
is widely criticized as highly centralized, and suspiciously resembles a
Ponzi system.


> Hola,
> No se en que lista fué (creia que en esta), añado una alternativa:
> - https://d.tube : D.Tube is the first crypto-decentralized video
> platform, built on top of the STEEM Blockchain and the IPFS peer-to-peer
> network.
> psy:
>> https://joinpeertube.org
>> ---
>> "Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent)
>> directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular."
>> https://joinpeertube.org/en/#how-it-works
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