
sorry for my english :P

I want propose a talk, the title is "Facebook tracking exposed"

this is the project https://facebook.tracking.exposed/

this is the code: https://github.com/tracking-exposed/facebook

Why we do this?

To increase transparency behind personalization algorithms, so that
people can have more effective control of their online Facebook
experience and more awareness of the information to which they are
exposed. We want help researchers assess how current filtering
mechanisms work and how personalization algorithms should be modified in
order to minimize the dangerous social effects of which they are
indirectly responsible and to maximize the values, both individual and
social, that algorithms should incorporate.

I think that can enter in the matters of Tecnopolítica/Deconstrucción e
ingeniería inversa/Autodefensa digital

It's a work in progress.. it's not a finish project and we search

I will be there on friday.

Ehm.. I'm italian.. but if you want I can try to do the talk in english.

ciao Ignifugo

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