Aquí va completo. 



Josvany Hernández Ortega.

Administrador de Red.

Telf. +53 7 682 3279

Pizz. +53 7 682 9563 al 70

Ext. 108




De: Micky <> 
Enviado el: miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020 12:04
Asunto: [Gutl-l] Re: Squid Urgente


Dejame hacerte una pregunta esto es todo el conf de tu squid??? te pregunto
por que no veo ninguna acl para la autenticacion y supongo que tengas
conexion directa

El 1/7/20 a las 10:58, Josvany Hernández Ortega escribió:

Estoy teniendo problemas con esto necesito que alguien me revise el orden la
las acl y la sintaxis de las mismas, por favor estoy volviéndome loco con
respecto a este tema. Aquí les dejo mis acl, Esto es Squid 5.0.2.  las cosas
que están repetidas y comentadas he sido yo tratando de dar pie con bolas.


#Squid ACL


acl localhost src

acl localnet src 


acl SSL_ports port 443             # HTTPS

acl SSL_ports port 563             # SNEWS

acl SSL_ports port 873             # RSYNC

acl Safe_ports port 21             # FTP

acl Safe_ports port 22             # SSH

acl Safe_ports port 25             # SMTP

acl Safe_ports port 70             # GOPHER

acl Safe_ports port 80             # HTTP

acl Safe_ports port 110            # POP3

acl Safe_ports port 210            # WAIS

acl Safe_ports port 280            # HTTP-MGMT

acl Safe_ports port 443            # HTTPS

acl Safe_ports port 488            # GSS-HTTP

acl Safe_ports port 591            # FILEMAKER

acl Safe_ports port 631            # CUPS

acl Safe_ports port 777            # MULTILING HTTP

acl Safe_ports port 873            # RSYNC

acl Safe_ports port 901            # SWAT

acl Safe_ports port 5222           # JABBER

acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535     # UNREGISTERED PORTS

acl Safe_ports port 53                      # DNS 

acl Safe_ports port 7071                  # Zimbra WebAdmin 

acl Safe_ports port 9090                  # Jabber Admin 

acl Safe_ports port 123                    # NTP 



## Methods allowed

acl Safe_method method CONNECT GET HEAD POST 

http_access deny !Safe_method


## Protocols allowed

#acl Safe_proto proto HTTP SSL 

#http_access deny !Safe_proto


# Deny requests to certain unsafe ports

http_access deny !Safe_ports


# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost

http_access allow localhost localnet 


# Time limitations[from 830am to 430pm, weekly working time]

acl workingtime time MTWHF 08:30-16:30

acl not_work_domains dstdomain "/etc/squid/denied/not_allowed"

http_access deny workingtime not_work_domains !Nav_full !Rsocial


## Autenticacion

acl pc-int src "/etc/squid/pcinternet/pc" 

acl cuba dstdomain .cu

http_access allow Squid_Login pc-int Nav_Int

http_access allow Squid_Login cuba localnet


# Only 20 connection threads per ip[EXAMPLE but works]

acl limitreq maxconn 20 

http_access deny limitreq !Nav_full


# Denegar Videos

acl deny_rep_mime_flashvideo rep_mime_type video/flv



acl NAVEGACION_IP dstdom_regex ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$


# Limite en cantidad de veces q puede estar uno logueado

acl max-maq-por-usuario max_user_ip -s 1



acl mocks_gl url_regex[\.[A-Z][a-z]]/gwt

acl mocks_gl url_regex

acl mocks_gl url_regex

acl mocks_gl url_regex

acl mocks_gl url_regex


# Whitelisting sites

acl whitelist dstdomain "/etc/squid/allowed/whitelist"


# Allowing whitelisting

http_access allow whitelist


# Blacklisted stuff Porno

acl blacklist_domain_porn dstdomain "/etc/squid/porn/domains" 

acl blacklist_urls_porn url_regex "/etc/squid/porn/regularexpressions"


# Politics related

acl blacklist_domain_politic dstdomain "/etc/squid/politic/domains"


# Chat

acl blacklist_domain_chat dstdomain "/etc/squid/chat/domains"


# Anonymous proxies

acl blacklist_domain_proxy dstdomain "/etc/squid/proxy/domains"


# Weird domains

acl blacklist_domain_suspect dstdomain "/etc/squid/suspect/domains"



acl ads_url url_regex "/etc/squid/ads/regularexpressions" 

acl ads_domain dstdomain "/etc/squid/ads/domains"


# Blacklisted Socialnet

acl blacklist_domain_socialnet dstdomain "/etc/squid/socialnet/domains"

acl blacklist_urls_socialnet url_regex "/etc/squid/socialnet/urls"


# Blacklisted Music

acl blacklist_domain_music dstdomain "/etc/squid/music/domains"

acl blacklist_urls_music url_regex "/etc/squid/music/urls"


# Blacklisted Webmail

acl blacklist_domain_webmail dstdomain "/etc/squid/webmail/domains"

acl blacklist_urls_webmail url_regex "/etc/squid/webmail/urls"


# Denying blacklisted

http_access deny max-maq-por-usuario

http_access deny mocks_gl

http_access deny NAVEGACION_IP !Nav_full

http_access deny blacklist_domain_porn 

http_access deny blacklist_urls_porn 

http_access deny blacklist_domain_politic 

http_access deny blacklist_domain_chat !Nav_full 

http_access deny blacklist_domain_proxy 

http_access deny blacklist_domain_suspect 

http_access deny ads_url

http_access deny ads_domain

http_access deny blacklist_domain_socialnet !Nav_full !Rsocial 

http_access deny blacklist_urls_socialnet !Nav_full !Rsocial 

http_access deny blacklist_domain_music !Nav_full

http_access deny blacklist_urls_music !Nav_full

http_access deny blacklist_domain_webmail !Nav_full

http_access deny blacklist_urls_webmail !Nav_full

http_reply_access deny deny_rep_mime_flashvideo !Nav_full


# Time limitations[from 830am to 430pm, weekly working time]

#acl workingtime time MTWHF 08:30-16:30 

#acl not_work_domains dstdomain "/etc/squid/denied/not_allowed" 

#http_access deny workingtime not_work_domains !Nav_full !Rsocial




#http_access allow Squid_Login pc-int Nav_Int

#http_access allow Squid_Login cuba localnet

#http_access deny !Squid_Login



# Denegar Todo

http_access deny all 

icp_access deny all



Josvany Hernández Ortega.

Administrador de Red.

Telf. +53 7 682 3279

Pizz. +53 7 682 9563 al 70

Ext. 108




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