On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 10:57 AM Arian Molina Aguilera
<linuxc...@teknik.io> wrote:
> El 13/2/20 a las 10:43, Micky escribió:
> >
> > Colega yo uso debian stretch y uso esa version, quieres limitar o no
> > tus descargas.? la otra es que tengas conexion directa en tu empresa y
> > puedas interceptar ssl. Salu2
> >
> > El 13/2/20 a las 10:32 a.m., Arian Molina Aguilera escribió:
> >> El 13/2/20 a las 10:07, Micky escribió:
> >>> squid3.5.23 compila e instala. hasta donde se las versiones anteriores
> >>> de squid3 y 4

Yo sigo la lista de usuarios de squid desde hace tiempo y fui a buscar
una respuesta que recordaba de hace un tiempo, directo de Alex

<pegando email>
On 3/27/19 5:29 PM, Yanier Salazar Sanchez wrote:

I have squid4.4 installed in linux on ubuntu 18.04.1 and [...]
delay_pools are functioning as if they didn’t have speed limits

While testing peering support for SslBump transactions[1], Factory has
discovered that delay pools are broken in Squid v4 and v5 as far as
tunneled traffic is concerned[2]. I do not have a stand-alone fix for
that bug -- too many changes surrounding the fixed code in that pull
request, but it is likely that the bug will be fixed in v5 if our pull
request is accepted. The proposed code is available for testing[3].

[1] https://github.com/squid-cache/squid/pull/380
[2] https://github.com/squid-cache/squid/pull/380/commits/679645f
[3] https://github.com/squid-cache/squid/pull/380.patch

</pegando email>

Es decir, que los delay pools están "rotos" en squid 4 y 5.

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