Ulises, lo hiciste tierra jejejejejeje "Cómo decimos en buen cubano".

Colegas el asunto es que tenemos a veces el concepto de Software Libre equivocado. Qué un determinado software tenga versiones para Linux no significa que sea SWL, que sea gratis no significa que sea SWL, etc. etc.

Estas 4 libertades de las que habla Ulises son el termómetro por el cual podemos evaluar.



En 29 de mayo de 2019 4:43:41 p. m. Ulises Gonzalez Horta <ul...@ulinxonline.net> escribió:
On 2019-05-29 13:37, Ulises Gonzalez Horta wrote:
On 2019-05-29 11:52, Javier Calvo Blanco wrote:
Considero que las instalaciones de kaspersky y nod 32 son software

Te has leido las licencias ??? Apuesto a que no, casi nadie lo hace...
Te invito a que lo hagas y respondas cual de las 4 libertades esta
grantizada, si puedes demostrar que las 4 libertades son garantizadas
en uno de esos softwares entonces repite tu pregunta y con mucho gusto
alguien que tenga tiempo y conocimientos te respondera'...

Bueno para cerrar este tema traigo un ligero analisis de la licencia del NOd32 version 4 para Linux

Para que un software sea considerado libre debe cumplir (al menos) estas 4 libertades
1- La libertad de usar el programa, con cualquier propósito.
2- La libertad de estudiar cómo funciona el programa y modificarlo, adaptándolo a tus necesidades. 3- La libertad de distribuir copias del programa, con lo cual puedes ayudar a tu prójimo. 4- La libertad de mejorar el programa y hacer públicas esas mejoras a los demás, de modo que toda la comunidad se beneficie.

Vamos revisar la licencia de Nod32 para ver como cumple con esto…

Fragmentos de la licencia del Nod32 version 4 para Linux, disponible en https://help.eset.com/eav_linux/4/en-US/?eula.html

(..)Installation and use. You shall have the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to install the Software on the hard disk of a Computer or other permanent medium for data storage, installation and storage of the Software in the memory of a computer system and to implement, store and display the Software. Non-tranferable right = tienes derecho NO trasferible a instalar el software, esto viola la libertad 3, no puedes darle copias de tu Nod32 y a un amigo tuyo

(..) NFR, TRIAL Software. Software classified as "Not-for-resale", NFR or TRIAL cannot be assigned for payment and must only be used for demonstration or testing the Software's features.

Esto viola la libertad 1, no puedo hacer lo que yo quiera con el software…

(..)Restrictions to rights. You may not copy, distribute, extract components or make derivative works of the Software. When using the Software, You are required to comply with the following restrictions:

No puedes redistribuir el programa ni copiarselo a tu vecino, nada de hacer trabajos derivados…, adios a las libertades 3 y 4 (a) You may make one copy of the Software on a permanent storage medium as an archival back-up copy, provided your archival back-up copy is not installed or used on any Computer. Any other copies You make of the Software shall constitute breach of this Agreement. (b) You may not use, modify, translate or reproduce the Software or transfer rights to use the Software or copies of the Software in any manner other than as provided for in this Agreement.
Seguimos violando la libertad 4

(c) You may not sell, sub-license, lease or rent or borrow the Software or use the Software for the provision of commercial services. (d) You may not reverse engineer, reverse compile or disassemble the Software or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software, except to the extent that this restriction is expressly prohibited by law.

Nada de ver el codigo Fuent, ya esto te hace violar las libertades 2 y 4
(e) You agree that You will only use the Software in a manner that complies with all applicable laws in the jurisdiction in which You use the Software, including, but not limited to, applicable restrictions concerning copyright and other intellectual property rights. (f) You agree that You will only use the Software and its functions in a way which does not limit the possibilities of other End Users to access these services. The Provider reserves the right to limit the scope of services provided to individual End Users, to enable use of the services by the highest possible number of End Users. Limiting the scope of services shall also mean complete termination of the possibility to use any of the functions of the Software and deletion of Data and information on the Provider's servers or third-party servers relating to a specific function of the Software.
Otra vez te recordamos que no tienes derecho a la libertad 1

(g) You agree not exercise any activities involving use the License key, contrary to the terms of this Agreement or leading to provide License key to any person who is not entitled to use the Software, such as the transfer of used or unused License key in any form, as well as the unauthorized reproduction, or distribution of duplicated or generated License keys or using the Software as a result of the use of a License key obtained from the source other than the Provider.

END USER DECLARATIONS. AS THE END USER YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. NEITHER THE PROVIDER, ITS LICENSORS OR AFFILIATES, NOR THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD-PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY BY THE PROVIDER OR BY ANY OTHER PARTY THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK FOR THE SELECTION OF THE SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS AND FOR THE INSTALLATION, USE AND RESULTS OBTAINED FROM IT. 15. Technical support. ESET or third parties commissioned by ESET shall provide technical support at their own discretion, without any guarantees or declarations. The End User shall be required to back up all existing data, software and program facilities prior to the provision of technical support. ESET and/or third parties commissioned by ESET cannot accept liability for damage or loss of data, property, software or hardware or loss of profits due to the provision of technical support. ESET and/or third parties commissioned by ESET reserve the right to decide that resolving the problem is beyond the scope of technical support. ESET reserves the right to refuse, suspend or terminate the provision of technical support at its own discretion. License information, Information and other data in compliance with Privacy Policy may be required for the purpose of technical support provision.

Esta si esta Buena, para los que piensan que el software privativo tiene garantias… Que no es lo mismo que soporte tecnico..

Y para los que piensan que debido o gracias al bloqueo tenemos el "derecho" de usar softwares sin pagar licencias les digo que eso es valido para softwares creados en USA, el Kaspersky como muchos saben es Ruso e incluso durante mucho tiempo Segurmatica vendio licencias para usarlo y el NOD32 me acabo de enterar que .... 20. Notices. All notices and return of the Software and Documentation must be delivered to: ESET, spol. s r. o., Einsteinova 24, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
... Es de Eslovaquia

Bueno, si alguien aun cree que el Nod32 para Linux es software libre que levante la mano... digo que mande un correo...

Salu2, Ulinx
"En un problema con n ecuaciones
siempre habrá al menos n+1 incógnitas"
Linux user 366775
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