Pues entonces ya tengo otra razón personal más para quitarlo de mi PC
personal, prefiero distros de tipo rolling, que no necesitan estar
buscando repositorios cada vez que saquen una version nueva, con solo
tener un script para descargar los repositorios se resuelve.
On 16/5/19 13:30, Arian Molina Aguilera wrote:
El 16/5/19 a las 12:06, Juan Carlos Fdez Hdez escribió:
Deepin no esta basado en Debian 9, Stretch, sino en la version Syd, que
es la de testing, el repo es personal, si te interesa copiarlo, trata de
contactar con la gente de Radio Aficionados en Paseo, ellos amablemente
me lo copiaron a mi. Aunque personalmente prefiero Manjaro con Cinnamon.
hermano actualizase y lea noticias frescas, hace meses deepin decidió
basarse en la versión debian estable del momento, en este caso
actualmente esta basado en debian 9 stretch que es el estable actual.
The main difference is that deepin software repository migrates from
Debian unstable to Debian stable. Compared with 15.9 ISO, deepin 15.9.2
Beta ISO integrates the latest deepin 15.9.2 and has been adjusted and
optimized accordingly.
Why migrate to Debian stable from unstable?
Migration to Debian stable repository is to improve deepin underlying
stability and security. The software in Debian stable repository has
been strictly tested and are relatively stable, with the support from
Debian security team to maintain the security updates timely. What’s
more, the strict upgrade of the software packages in Debian stable
repository ensures a safe and stable environment. For the commonly used
applications, they will be upgraded and maintained by deepin development
team with the goal to follow upstream updates within one week
What will happen to deepin after the migration?
After migrating to Debian stable repository, there will be these changes:
More timely responses to software security vulnerabilities
Improved stability on system upgrade
Better support (compatibility) for third-party applications
Better business support
The older software in Debian stable repository will be upgraded
separately, such as Chrome, Firefox, Libreoffice and other common
applications, to ensure better usability.
User feedback
Since deepin 15.9.2 Beta is the first edition after migrating to
Debian stable repository, your feedback and suggestions are much
required to help us improve deepin. Welcome to Feedback Post in deepin
forum to submit your suggestions and questions during the test. We will
deal with user feedback and reasonable suggestions quickly.
deepin 15.10 is newly built and released using Debian stable repository,
in this way, system stability and security is greatly improved, bringing
users more stable and efficient experiences. The unstable repository
will continue to be maintained for the next three months.
New Features
Rebuilt using Debian stable repository
deepin 15.10 is newly built and released based on Debian stable.
Compared with the previous Debian unstable repository, users can get
timely security updates and improved system stability.
deepin 15.10 is released in both stable and unstable versions. Stable
version users can update from 15.9.2 Beta to deepin 15.10, or install
15.10 ISO directly. Unstable version users can get deepin 15.10 through
system update. It is recommended that all users install deepin 15.10 ISO
in stable version, as the technical support for unstable version will be
stopped in July 2019.
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Juan Carlos FDEZ HDEZ
Esp. Informatica
Durero Caribe S.A
Via Blanca No. 565 e/ Palatino y Primelles. Cerro,
La Habana, Cuba.
Teléf.: (53) 7 6428800
(53) 7 6428802
(53) 7 6428803
Móvil: (53) 5 2168158
Gutl-l mailing list -- gutl-l@listas.jovenclub.cu
To unsubscribe send an email to gutl-l-le...@listas.jovenclub.cu