buen día a todos 

Recien he actualizado desde los backports de debian stretch el debmirror a la 
version 2.31. Despues de actualizar debmirror, el script que tengo para 
actualizar proxmox no me funciona, me arroja un error que debajo pongo: 

Iniciando Mirror (Wed Feb 6 09:04:34 CST 2019) 
Warning: --rsync-extra is not configured to mirror the trace files. 
This configuration is not recommended. 
Mirroring to /ftp/repos/proxmox from http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve/ 
Arches: amd64 
Dists: stretch 
Sections: pve-no-subscription 
Pdiff mode: none 
Not checking Release gpg signatures. 
Proxy: http://proxy.eicma.cu:3128/ 
Will clean up after mirroring. 
Attempting to get lock ... 
Getting meta files ... 
http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve/dists/stretch/Release => [ 0%] Getting: 
dists/stretch/Release... #** GET 
http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve/dists/stretch/Release ==> 
67%100%200 OK (1s) 
200 OK 
http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve/dists/stretch/InRelease => [ 0%] 
Getting: dists/stretch/InRelease... #** GET 
http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve/dists/stretch/InRelease ==> 
47%100%200 OK 
200 OK 
http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve/dists/stretch/Release.gpg => [ 0%] 
Getting: dists/stretch/Release.gpg... #** GET 
http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve/dists/stretch/Release.gpg ==> 
100%200 OK (1s) 
200 OK 
Ignoring missing Release file for 
 => [100%] Getting: dists/stretch/pve-no-subscription/binary-all/Packages.gz... 
#** GET 
 ==> 100%404 Not Found 
404 Not Found 
Download of dists/stretch/pve-no-subscription/binary-all/Packages.gz failed: 
404 Not Found 
Ignoring missing Release file for 
Download of dists/stretch/pve-no-subscription/binary-all/Packages.gz failed: 
404 Not Found 
Failed to download some Package, Sources or Release files! 
WARNING: releasing 1 pending lock... 

El script que estoy usando es el siguiente: 

: ${proxy:=http://proxy.eicma.cu:3128/} 
: ${URLDIRE:=download.proxmox.com} 
: ${OUTPATH:=/ftp/repos/proxmox} 
: ${LOGFILE:=/var/log/repos/proxmox.log} 
# Crear el directorio de destino si no existe. 
if [ ! -d "$OUTPATH" ] ; then mkdir -p "$OUTPATH"; fi 
# Inicio archivo de registro. 
cat > $LOGFILE <<EOL 
Iniciando Mirror (`env LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 date`) 
# Matamos el mirror si ya está corriendo 
killall debmirror 
# Ejecutar. 
debmirror --progress --verbose --debug --host $URLDIRE --root=/debian/pve \ 
--method=http --dist=stretch \ 
--section=pve-no-subscription --rsync-extra=none --arch=amd64 --nosource 
--no-check-gpg \ 
--ignore-missing-release --ignore-release-gpg --postcleanup \ 
--diff=none --ignore-small-errors --allow-dist-rename --timeout=2000 
--proxy=$proxy \ 
$OUTPATH >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 & 
# Fin. 
exit 0 

alguna sugerencia 
Saludos y gracias de antemano. 

Lic. Roilan Martinez Acebal 
Administrador de Redes 
Empresa Cítricos Arimao, Cumanayagua, Cienfuegos 
Gutl-l mailing list -- gutl-l@listas.jovenclub.cu
To unsubscribe send an email to gutl-l-le...@listas.jovenclub.cu

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